We represent 12% of GDP and 75% of Ecuador's non-oil and non-mining exports, generating more than 730,000 direct jobs nationwide.
We represent 12% of GDP and 75% of Ecuador's non-oil and non-mining exports, generating more than 730,000 direct jobs nationwide.
The Association of Textile Industrialists of Ecuador, is a non-profit union entity, with its own legal status, constituted by approval conferred by Executive Agreement No. 222 of September 30 of 1943, is governed by the legal norm noted, by the legal system of the Republic of Ecuador.
The objectives that determined its creation were the need to unite the textile industrialists of the Republic in a homogeneous body that would represent them to deal with and solve the problems of this industrial branch in its relations with the Government, with workers and with the public. This institution has served as a forum to discuss and analyze the country's economic and financial problems, as well as their impact on industrial activities.
Av. Amazonas y Av. República,
Edif. “Las Cámaras”, Octavo Piso
The Association of Textile Industrialists of Ecuador, is a non-profit union entity, with its own legal status, constituted by approval conferred by Executive Agreement No. 222 of September 30 of 1943 , is governed by the legal norm noted, by the legal system of the Republic of Ecuador.
The objectives that determined its creation were the need to unite the textile industrialists of the Republic in a homogeneous body that would represent them to deal with and solve the problems of this industrial branch in its relations with the Government, with workers and with the public. This institution has served as a forum to discuss and analyze the country's economic and financial problems, as well as their impact on industrial activities.
Contact Info
Av. Amazonas y Av. República, Edif. "Las Cámaras", Octavo Piso