
United Guilds

We represent 12% of GDP and 75% of Ecuador's non-oil and non-mining exports, generating more than 730,000 direct jobs nationwide.

We represent 12% of GDP and 75% of Ecuador's non-oil and non-mining exports, generating more than 730,000 direct jobs nationwide.


The National Chamber of Aquaculture was created on July 28, 1993 in order to give effective attention to the specific needs of the dynamic aquaculture sector throughout the national territory. 

In this way, Ecuador would have an entity that defends productive principles with the aim of promoting a sustainable business environment in which aquaculture production, especially shrimp farming, would generate welfare for the community.

Contact Info

C. Empresarial Las Cámaras Torre B,
3er. piso, Ofic. No. 301
(+593)-4-268-3017 🡵 cna-ecuador.com


The National Chamber of Aquaculture was created on July 28, 1993 in order to give effective attention to the specific needs of the dynamic aquaculture sector throughout the national territory.

In this way, Ecuador would have an entity that defends productive principles with the aim of promoting a sustainable business environment in which aquaculture production, especially shrimp farming, would generate welfare for the community.

Contact Info

Centro Empresarial Las Cámaras Torre B, 3er. piso, Ofic. No. 301
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