
United Guilds

We represent 12% of GDP and 75% of Ecuador's non-oil and non-mining exports, generating more than 730,000 direct jobs nationwide.

We represent 12% of GDP and 75% of Ecuador's non-oil and non-mining exports, generating more than 730,000 direct jobs nationwide.


We are a non-profit organization, under private law, with legal status; constituted by Ministerial Agreement No. 097-20I5-DPAG-MAGAP signed on December 31, 2015. 

Created to represent the Banana Exporting sector of the Country, with the purpose of seeking the common good of the associates, becoming a solid and organized union that groups 80% of the sector to national level and whose greatest production is concentrated in the Canton El Carmen, located northwest of the Province of Manabí.

Contact Info

Av. Juan Tanca Marengo No. 316 (½ km) +593-4-228-4700 🡵 asoexpla.org


We are a non-profit organization, under private law, with legal status; constituted by Ministerial Agreement No. 097-20I5-DPAG-MAGAP signed on December 31, 2015.

Created to represent the Banana Exporting sector of the Country, with the purpose of seeking the common good of the associates, becoming a solid and organized union that groups 80% of the sector to national level and whose greatest production is concentrated in the Canton El Carmen, located northwest of the Province of Manabí.

Contact Info

Av. Juan Tanca Marengo No. 316 (½ km)
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